Wednesday, 26 August 2015

School's Out

The ones who kept me sane.

Ever thankful to have met you all.

In a blink of an eye, I'm finally done with school.
Ten months, what seemed so long yet so short.
Many things happened through this ten months.
I've lost some, I've gained some.
I've lost my dearest Crystal, lost a colleague.
I've made new friends, one who has become my constant snapchat buddy, always clearing my doubts, friends that I could rant to, and one who makes me laugh almost every day with the littlest things she does.
 I've found someone to spend the rest of my life with and I've learnt so much about EC.
Through this course, I've learnt how to be independent. 
I'd confess that all I did during my weekends were just assignments, barely even had time to meet the boy.
I've learnt how to better manage my time, juggling school and work is actually really challenging.
Thankful that it has all come to an end, all those days spent completing assignments, even feeling guilty when I was out enjoying with assignments at the back of my mind.
Feeling bittersweet.
Gonna miss this, somehow.

October 2014 Intake

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